Zero G Funk

After months of good intentions thwarted by the forces of laziness, sleepiness, and car-lessness, we finally made our first visit to the Salvation Army thrift store at Bukit Timah and it won’t be the last.

I can’t show you pictures of the vintage sewing machine table Alec bought to put his computer on because it hasn’t been delivered yet, so just take my word for it that it’s incredibly charming.

I can, however, show you the record I bought for S$2.50.

Moon funk safari

Detail of front cover

Credits on the back cover

Intergalac-tic di-plo-ma-CY!


  1. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Laughing-out-loud-in-my-empty-apartment-worthy.

  2. That’s just how it is, isn’t it? Today, they flirt you but won’t give you their numbers. Tomorrow, they’ll dance with you, but will totally avoid physical contact by wearing spacesuits, reinforced-steel bras and glass bowls over their heads. You girls are f’ed up man.

  3. Hey Mich! Just thought I’d drop some good news which isn’t actually all that good ‘cos DJ Shadow will be coming to Singapore on 5 August… but I think neither you nor I will be here! :(

  4. Dom: Yes, I heard last week. If I hadn’t already seen DJ Shadow live I’d really be devastated. But as it is, I’m still depressed. :(

  5. I remember MECO – great disco songs especially tracks from Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back!

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