The Unbearable Cuteness Of Being

In two weeks, Casey the kitten (full name Casey Underfoot) has managed to worm his way into everyone’s affections, to the extent that even my usually taciturn father has been sighted jiggling around singing “Look, Caseykins, nice juicy slippers!” (The cat is obsessed with his house slippers and stalks them incessantly. The rest of us theorize that they must need a wash.) Meanwhile, my mother, whose nine cats of her youth never knew vets, worming tablets, or flea powder, has borrowed three cat books out of the library and we’re taking him to the vet for his first checkup this week.

At dinner today, Yuping informed me that she wanted more kitten photos, and I’m only too happy to oblige.

Being weighed
Not quite heavy enough to get snipped…yet

I call this one Reclining Nude

Snug, bug, rug

To anyone getting sickened by all this cuteness, I can’t promise you less kitten pictures, but I will at least point you in the direction of Clay Kitten Shooting, where my current high score is 76. Beat that, mofos.


  1. You need to post something on the new Bjork album or a recent Russian art house film that you saw to balance all this out. You’re slipping.

  2. Hey, the title of the post referenced a high-brow Czech novel which I don’t even like! Surely you must acknowledge this was at least vaguely pretentious and hipsterish.

    And Benny, I promise you I’ll watch and blog about the next Russian arthouse film that gets shown here since the last one was so glorious, but don’t hold your breath for any commentary on Bjork at all. I’m not a fan.

  3. As Dextor would say, It is not kyoooot! Whilst Dee Dee pirouettes around him while giggling.

    Yeah, Benny, Michelle’s not a Bjork fan. (I was about to write Bjork’s not a Michelle fan.) I, however, am. Haven’t got around to buying the album yet.

    Love the Clay Kitten Shooting. More of this please. The creator should allow you to use photos of your own kitty to shoot. (Tongue firmly in cheek.) :-)


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