
Birthday update and pics of the simultaneously best and worst present ever are forthcoming. But in the meantime, I rather enjoyed this at the Onion and wanted to share. Excerpt:

Black Guy Asks Nation For Change:

According to witnesses, a loud black man approached a crowd of some 4,000 strangers in downtown Chicago Tuesday and made repeated demands for change.

“The time for change is now,” said the black guy, yelling at everyone within earshot for 20 straight minutes, practically begging America for change. “The need for change is stronger and more urgent than ever before. And only you – the people standing here today, and indeed all the people of this great nation – only you can deliver this change.”

The black guy is oddly comfortable demanding change from people he’s never even met. It is estimated that, to date, the black man has asked every single person in the United States for change.

There’s also Do We Really Want Another Black President After The Events Of Deep Impact?, but unfortunately the article isn’t as great as its title promises it could be.

Experimental Theatre

Sometimes the Onion still gets it so right. From Unconventional Director Sets Shakespeare Play In Time, Place Shakespeare Intended:

In an innovative, tradition-defying rethinking of one of the greatest comedies in the English language, Morristown Community Players director Kevin Hiles announced Monday his bold intention to set his theater’s production of William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice in 16th-century Venice.

According to Hiles, everything in the production will be adapted to the unconventional setting. Swords will replace guns, ducats will be used instead of the American dollar or Japanese yen, and costumes, such as Shylock’s customary pinstripe suit, general’s uniform, or nudity, will be replaced by garb of the kind worn by Jewish moneylenders of the Italian Renaissance.


  • Breaking news from the Onion: Radical Islamic Extremists Snowboard Into U.S. Embassy
  • It’s rather too late for a Valentine’s Day entry, but if you feel like poking a little fun at your favourite new-age sensitive guy this strip from Pearls Before Swine is kinda cute.
  • Okay, so this season’s Top 12 guys on American Idol are almost all appallingly bland and have wussy voices (God I miss Elliott, no one there sings like a man), but my heart still goes out to Phil Stacey because no one deserves to be compared unfavourably to Chris Daughtry. Which is why Idolatr’s well-spotted screencap from the iTunes store amused me. Coincidence? Or the DIVINE WRATH OF RAAAAAA?