Extroversion Is Exhausting

Meeting up with newly-returned friends like Yuping and Kelly. Meeting up with long-time-no-see friends like the twins and my old classmates. Meeting up with regular partners in vileness the Orgers. Hip-hopping at Phuture. Lindy-hopping at Jitterbugs. Lindy-hopping at Harry’s Bar. Helping the RJC debate team. Attending driving lessons. Attending lectures. The list goes on.

There is an imbalance in the Force. I’m spending too much time out of the house, out of my bed, away from my computer and away from my CD player. The more social life I have, the less inner life I have, because I’m just too beat when I get home to get started on projects like redesigning this site, retouching my digital photos, planning for Alec’s visit in October, and generally keeping up on thinking, reading and listening to music. I haven’t even watched Oprah with my mum for days. :(

I need a doppelganger. Then one of us could be out having a whale of a time with my friends, and the other could be in having a whale of a time tweaking my stylesheets and site code. I could never explain my strongly extroverted Myers-Briggs test result, and still can’t.

Personality Typing

Okay, so I cave in and do the Bridget Jones quiz, and it tells me:

Your profile is a tie between: The anti-Bridget. Not very Bridget. A little bit of Bridget. More Bridget than not. Very, very Bridget!

So let me get this straight. According to Underwire, that Bill Gates finger on the pulse of modern women, I’m either some sort of mighty morphin’ personality goo, or I’m so completely together and well-balanced that I can’t be shoe-horned into any one type. Come to think of it, I rather fancy the goo.

On the topic of personality typing, a more definitive source of guidance than Underwire got quite scarily into my head a couple of years ago, when I took the Myers-Briggs test in junior college. I don’t think they offer the complete test over the Web, but you can try its kid sister. The ENTP description in the booklet I got at the time was by far the most accurate I’ve ever read of myself, but this one got quite a lot right as well. I also liked this distillation of typical prayers each Myers-Briggs type might make.