Xen Halloween
As second-last-ever Xen nights go, last night was rather anticlimactic, but I suppose there are worse ways to spend Halloween than watching Hexstatic mix Tubular Bells with drum’n’bass with accompanying visuals from The Exorcist, all perfectly synced with Linda Blair’s convulsions and bile-spewing.
Coming in costume garnered prizes – the incongruity of Alec getting rewarded for his pipe, Burberry tie, Derek Rose dressing gown and Brylcreamed hair with a DJ Vadim sampler amuses me still. (I am so stealing that sampler.) Despite my bias I must admit that he didn’t have the best costume there: Spinal Tap guy complete with big wig, luxuriant facial hair, tattoo of horned beast on chest, red lycra pants and huge sock shoved in crotch, I salute you.