Random Joo Chiat
I’m a bit weddinged and kittened out. Here are some photos of Joo Chiat instead.
Can you believe this is just sitting in a Joo Chiat driveway? I did a double take as we walked past and Googled my hunch once I got home – yup, I’m pretty certain it’s a Ng Eng Teng work.
Not the best photo – I was too busy drooling in anticipation of this place’s divine otah. You can get better in restaurants, but as far as cheap street-side otah is concerned I haven’t tasted better. The site says it’s open from 7 am to 7 pm, but they’ve definitely also sold us otah before at about 3 am, which is of course when it tastes the best.
MMM! OTAH!! Wah lan…i have a craving for that now.
Hi Michelle,
good to see you blogging about Joo Chiat again. I find that Joo Chiat Place is under-rated…. that House you see with the statue is indeed Ng Eng Teng’s home when he is still alive. Theres actually 2 statues there, the other of a man in Malay formal dress… could be a sultan but can’t be sure… its very different from Ng’s usual work. He bestowed his collection to NUS and its on permanent exhibition in the Cultural Centre http://www.nus.edu.sg/museum/net/index.html
Actually the family just lives across the road…
The other neat find that you probably missed out is just further down the road opposite Eng Seng restaurant… in a nonescript walkup apartment…. on the second floor was the home of Zubir Said. The composer of Majulah Singapura; quite apt to mention this being National Day and all… I had the awesome privilege of viewing the property which is in the safe hands of an individual who is really keen on Singapore heritage… the property is stuffed with things from the 50s and 60s… reminisence of that period of time that Encik Zubir was living there. He even got in touch with his wife and family has amassed a wonderful collection of his works. This is not a NAC/ NHB sponsored collection, this is of someone who understands that heritage doesnt just lie with some gov dept that each and everyone of us has the ability to retain and preserve a memory. Downstairs of the apartment on the wall, is a little plague denoting this fact.
Love Nam San otah. I can’t wait for Ho Kee pau to reopen and now theres a 24 hr prata shop that is going to open just opposite me (good thing because ABC on Duku sucks… food and staff attitude).
I remember telling me stories of Lucky Bookstore and Katong Flower Shop which are also on JC Place… can’t remember the facts now.
Heritage is well and truly alive in Joo Chiat. I’m thinking of creating a collection of Joo Chiat Girls pictures…. this will be a great momento when the sleaze problem be eventually cleared.
Anyways, see you Sat at the party.
so, maybe as a break from all the wedding planning you could add a link to your rss feed? yeah?