Overheard On Orchard Road

[A quick note for non-Singaporean readers: On Orchard Road, our main shopping strip, banks often set up big tents on the pavements and attempt to lure people into them to sign up for credit cards. Such tents also often feature greatly amplified music and obnoxious commentary by the various promoters present, with which it is presumably hoped that innocent passers-by will be bludgeoned into submission.]

“…and that was a really great song by Suzanne Vega! Luka, a song about child abuse! You’re here with us outside Wisma Atria shopping centre this Saturday afternoon, and we’re offering a waiver of annual fees for…”


  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Luka more about domestic abuse rather than child abuse specifically? I think we’re meant to assume that Luka was an adult?

  2. Maybe I was playing into stereotype, but to me, Luka’s a boys name and I always just kinda assumed it was a little boy being beat on by an adult.

  3. I always thought Luka was a song about domestic abuse because to me, kids don’t talk like that.

    And Alex, you can try S.O.F.T.. It has a calendar listing gigs in Singapore.

  4. Hi Alex, welcome to Singapore! Apart from S.O.F.T. you can also see Sistic, which is the official ticketing agent for most biggish gigs.

    A good source of information on local bands and gigs is the Newsbuzz section of Aging Youth, a local webzine.

    Lastly, there’s a free weekly magazine called IS which you can pick up at cafes and restaurants. It has event listings for the given week.

    Hope that helps. If you’re in Singapore, does that mean your band’s on hiatus? Get them to come over and do some gigs. :)

    (Oh, and could you maybe answer a question I’ve been wondering about for a while? Which city in Spain are Migala from? Much like you, when I go to a new country I like to see what gigs I can catch while I’m there, but when I went to Spain a few years ago I couldn’t figure out from Googling which city they were from.)

  5. Thanks for the info Dominique and Michelle.

    I met Abel (Migala singer) once in Rock de Lux magazine aniversary. He performed an excellent cover of Elvis’s In the ghetto and we tried our best with Beach Boy’s God only knows. He is very nice and very good chatter and the band is from Madrid.

    While here, Gallygows is performing with a good friend of mine. Hopefully, if we get to play at benicassim (www.fiberfib.com) I will already be there.


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