Not A Failure! Not A Failure!

I have been awarded the LLM (Masters in Law) with merit.


And as if this good news isn’t enough, I have finally found the rare collaboration EP by Low & Spring Heel Jack on Soulseek and am downloading it this minute! Joy! Joy! Joy!


  1. Huge congrats a a big hug for you Mich – knew you could do it :)

    I can’t remember whether I really got the chance to say a proper thank you for the 15th – so for the record, I think you were great :)

    Love Nat (who is having fun house-hunting at the moment)

  2. hey! whoopi! congrats! you rock! *shoop offers mich a bottle of wine with chocolates*

    what happens next??

  3. Thanks, everyone. Mark, I must clarify that this doesn’t mean I’m actually a lawyer of any sort, it just means I’m even more of a dusty academic than I was with just an undergrad degree.

    Shoop: What comes next is I finish the DipSing and start work, or at least that’s the plan right now. I’m trying to see if I can get permission to modify the sequence of things a little bit, but nothing’s very certain just yet.

  4. And though I’ve already offered my congraulations, I might as well cover all my bases.

    Well done Michelle. Things seem to be turning out well for us this last few weeks.

  5. Congrats on making it through what (from reading other posts above) looks to be just a terrible academic gauntlet. Hopefully things will be saner from here on.

    Oh, and you’re on soulseek?! What’s your username? I’ll add you. Mine’s disblfsuspender. I leave it on almost all the time, though sadly it has usually crashed by the time I get home at the end of the day.

  6. Jared: I’m nncnfrmst, and have added you. The files available are but a tiny fraction of what can be made available to you upon request! For that see this list (a few months out of date, but mostly accurate), and feel free to ask if I’ve got something you want.

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