My Best Men

My best friend Russ arrives in Singapore this Saturday and will be staying with Alec until the wedding. As long-time readers of this blog (if any of you are still around given its recent dwindle into shitness, that is) will know, Alec and Russ have a complicated relationship.

The two of them were on Gmail Chat today ironing out some arrangements, and the following conversation ensued. (To understand the joke you need to read this post’s account of what happened at my graduation dinner, and this and this add a little extra flavour.)

Alec: Michelle and I are discussing who will collect you from the airport. Michelle is full of noble intentions but I’m expecting a resounding Zzzzzz on the actual morning.
Russ: Haha. Don’t worry. I think I can make it to yours by myself :D I just need to remember which bus it is. Thanks though :)
Alec: Suits me though. I can say, I was there at 5 in the morning, to carry all your bags and drive you back and……Finally some closure on the awful dinner in London with [her parents]
Russ: Hahahahaha
But you’d have to do this at least six times
Alec: #$%#$!!!!
Russ: Hee :) Can I forward this conversation to Michelle? (Hee hee)

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