Mustafa’s Macho Masala
So after The Vagina Monologues on Saturday we headed to Little India. We wandered down the main thoroughfare and found ourselves on Desker Road, where some of our number insisted on seeing the back alley “sights”. It was quite significantly more sordid than Geylang, and was one of the rare situations where even I felt uncomfortable. After dinner we eventually ended up in the wondrous temple of consumerism that is Mustafa Centre. While staggering through the food section, I found these Indian instant noodles and bought them in a fit of endearment.

I had the Macho Masala this morning. It was pretty spicy, but I was man enough for it.
Oh yeah! Get down and do the Funky Chicken!
Funky Chicken?! You must have been lured by that! cf the Indian noodles! How much were they?! They actually look quite yummy… I have been living on instant noodles for the past few weeks and am amazed at the huge selection I have of them at home! I could add a little “spice” to the noodle collection!
They were 50 cents each, Sue! I haven’t tried the Funky Chicken yet, will let you know when I do.
wow! that seems pretty reasonable for a packet instant noodles…
Return of the blog…
In other words, reckless is back up :)
Welcome back to the blogosphere Ken. : )
Is your Thirteen Stitches one still around Russ?
BTW, did they have Super Noodles in the UK or were they a purely Irish phenomenon? I recall the spinning bow tie advert being pivotal in the products appeal.
Ken: Welcome back! May I link?
James: I can’t remember any spinning bow tie ad, but I didn’t watch that much TV when I was in the UK (except at exam time, when I indiscriminately watched everything and anything). I certainly purchased many packets of instant noodles, but product appeal was really more a matter of which was on special at Budgens.
Hi Russ – thanks for the welcome :)
Hi michelle – yes of course!
Super Noodles were one of the great advertising sucesses of the 1980’s in Ireland. At the time they were seen as widely exotic, spicy and exciting. We all gorged ourselves on these bland, cords of tastless wheat until, simultaneously, we all realised they tasted of nothing and had no nutritional value. Yesterday’s fad, they vanished from the shelves. I suspect other countries had a more balanced attitude to noodles. Perhaps they experienced brief lived boiled potatoe fads.
I feel old now recalling how incredible was the spectacle of a man with a spining bow tie. Even more impressive was a spindly Michael Jackson walked along a pavement and the flagstones lighting up. Life has yet to live up to my expectations. Anyone know where I can buy a spining bow tie?
Alec dressed up as Michael Jackson and dancing like MJ…do I hear Michelle scream?
With laughter, yes.
That’s what I’m talking about. I was really young at the time so I only have vague recollections of the two of us nagging Mam to buy them.
Now I’m getting all nostalgic. The other obsession around that time was LA Gear basket ball shoes. Absolutely huge runners. One lime green lace. One shocking pink. The ultimate 80’s schoolboy fasion statement. Looked a bit odd with a grey uniform mind..
Plus, they cost about 70 pounds and fell apart after a month. Kid would then cut out the light sensor bit and carry it around with him.
And those watches that ran on water.
Man, the 80’s sucked.