Much Flitting Little Blogging

What I actually do with my life, which this blog used to feature reasonably regularly, in reasonably faithful detail, has been markedly absent lately. There are good reasons for this.

A lot of it has been boring – one, I’ve been trying to remind myself that I do rather want a First in this law degree, and have reluctantly embarked on tentative incursions into textbooks and other unfamiliar entities. I must admit this hasn’t been completely painful. Highlights include The Last Days of Socrates, complete with hunky Greek tutor who kept unintentionally sending the 14 or so girls in the seminar group (I assume not the lone guy) wild with seemingly innocuous remarks like “This will be our last session together”.

Two, the monster that is the UCL intervarsity debating tournament I have to organise gets bigger, scarier and hairier as the days go by – it’s a week from tomorrow. My various panic attacks about this remain largely concealed from the world at large, apart from co-organizer Mark, who tends to meet them with gales of laughter and “God, we’re so crap!”

Three, music and reading lately has involved much flitting between various books and albums with little real long-term commitments to any, and therefore no commentary of substance to give. The Borders Student Discount Day (bless ’em) yielded Watchmen (finally), Fleur Adcock: Poems 1960-2000, Our Aim Is To Satisfy Red Snapper (Red Snapper), The Broken Down Comforter Collection (Grandaddy), Keep It Unreal (Mr Scruff), Headhunters (Herbie Hancock) and I can’t remember which orchestra playing a lot of Vaughan-Williams. Have also been very pleasantly diverted by Cryptonomicon since finding it in Waterstones for the very agreeable price of £2.99 (all 918 pages, too) a few weeks ago. But as I said, much flitting, little absorbing.

Having said all this, there are actually things I wish I’d written about in here, and may still do if I find the time. Walking (squelching) in the driving rain to Borough Market. Peppered Bambi dinners. Trying to figure out what it is I like so much about skylights. Other random snippets which I used to find the time to write about.

This sounds pensive, but it isn’t meant to. Life’s been a bit more stressful lately than I’d like, and it’ll continue that way until after the tournament at the very least, but happiness is still easy enough. Kettle Chips. Blind Date. Alec.