Marrrrrritime Law
One of the other lawyers was teaching me how to research a ship.
Lawyer X: Okay, so if you can’t find it in Lloyd’s Register or the online sources, that probably means it’s –
Lawyer X, looking at me strangely: – not a vessel involved in international trade.
Me: Ah, yes.
I think I need to curb my enthusiasm a bit more.
You rock.
hahahahahah!!! That’s not entirely true though…
I suspected she wasn’t being honest about feeling enthusiastic.
I was being sincere! Investigating potential pirates would be so cool!
Did you read about the pirate attack at sea this week?! Cool…..
The title of this post is very funny. Very Michellian, which makes me smile even more because I can imagine you saying it in real life.
I can also imagine you saying, "PIRATES!" at that moment, and also the expression of your face as you say, "Ah, yes."
: )
Oh, how I miss you Michelle. (Soon! Soon.)
Posting this comment has inadvertently recalled some Michellian sound bites and onomatopoeia.
I’m giggling and I can’t stop.
I miss you too, Russ.
Even though I bet you’re probably laughing at the memory of the milk in Italy, and the speck I flicked off my trousers onto some old man in Stansted, and the “So obviously if I had a son, I wouldn’t call him ADOLF!” very loudly in a suddenly quiet restaurant in Germany, and all that makes me sulky and embarrassed…