Kick The Old School Joint For The True Funk Soldiers

I’ve been neglecting my MTV lately, which is why I only saw Prince’s Musicology video last Friday, by chance. I’d been wondering if the reason I loved it so much was purely due to the atmosphere at the time – cool night, big screen, good friends, apricot hookah – but I just watched it again today and it’s just as great even when viewed by a sweaty tired me on a laptop screen.

It isn’t actually all that profound or groundbreaking as music videos go, but it just takes me to such happy places. Kid with afro dancing in his bedroom using vacuum cleaner as mike stand. Funky-ass gig with everyone in natty retro threads. Men in waistcoats and fedoras tap-dancing. It’s like what Michael Jackson would be making these days if he had a clue left.


  1. Is Prince still ‘the Artist Formerly Known as Prince’ or has he given that all up?

  2. I don’t think poetry and Prince are mutually exclusive, Edmund, but rest assured I’m still very fond of poetry!

    Are you missing the poems I feature here occasionally? I never thought anyone else cared much about the poetry, because there were never any comments in response to those posts! Anyway, I’ll take your comment as a reminder, and go catch up with some poetry reading. :)

  3. Yes, I miss the odd poem here and there. I seem to remember dropping in on your blog originally when googling for information on Fleur Adcock.

    Certainly I think poetry and Prince more or less jostle on the same territory!

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