Italy, Croatia, Hungary (Easter 2003)

Should probably have popped in here before I left for Italy, Croatia and Hungary to mention that I was going to Italy, Croatia and Hungary. But now you know.

It’s been a worryingly hitch-free holiday so far – Alec’n’Michelle holidays aren’t meant to be this way and we’re waiting fearfully for the fall. There was the small inconvenience of train strikes in Italy on the day we were hoping to travel to Florence, but ultimately all it meant was that we got another day in Venice, which was far from a hardship. We also got to grumble about lazy greedy Continentals, which is always fun. Meanwhile, Croatia is fabulously beautiful (scenery, old towns, people – on Easter Sunday the church was full of men in suits. I was very happy. Less happy about standing through two hours of the Good Friday service in Croatian, but never let it be said that I shy from the tough bits of the faith), and hopefully Hungary will be just as great.

For now, I had better log off and go join Alec, who is patiently reading (either American Psycho or the Bible, I’m not sure which) while waiting for me.