Instead Of Sleeping
Things I did instead of sleeping last night, which resulted in my getting to bed at 6 am:
- Made a 404 page which I then decided I wasn’t going to use.
- HTMLized some of my prose excerpts collection.
- Tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with my falling Dali poster (see previous post).
- Thumbed through the latest issue of the Economist.
- Listened to 100% Fun (Matthew Sweet), Siamese Dream (Smashing Pumpkins), my lovely Ella Fitzgerald compilation, and In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (Neutral Milk Hotel).
- Read a bit of The Neandertal Enigma (James Shreeve). Would have read more, but it was 5.45 am by then.
- Put Yo La Tengo’s And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out on, switched the lights off, and got into bed.