Frankie Goes To Sentosa!

There will be themes for the night parties at SEAjam this weekend. It is worrying that for Saturday night’s theme of “LOUD!” I immediately know what I will wear, and for Sunday’s theme of “Cooool” I’m clueless.

But sartorial choices are really unimportant in the context of my main goal for this weekend, which is to dance with this 90-year-old man. (To non-swingers: it’s the equivalent of taking writing classes from Nabokov.)

I’m so psyched!


  1. And hopefully Michelle will have time for a few dances with this 26 year old man. (To non-swingers this is the eqivalent of having a fish finger when you really wanted sashimi.)

  2. I’m so jealous of you two! Have fun at SEAjam!

    And if you’re wondering whether my missing out on this is a function of my being lazy or because of work, let me just say… I got home from the office at 11 pm today without having eaten breakfast or dinner.

    And I’ll be going in to the office tomorrow to do some more work.

    See you on Monday night, perhaps. I’m doing my best to catch Frankie’s talk!

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