Fearful Symmetry
CD-Wow has The Roots Come Alive and Ladysmith Black Mambazo: The Warner Brothers Collection for £6.99 each and free delivery. Hmmm. Should I snap these up because they’re cheap, or hold out for better albums by the artists like Things Fall Apart for The Roots and something from Ladysmith’s Nascente label days instead? I can hear a little voice in my head and it whispers prudence.
I wanted to listen to Maxinquaye last night, but remembered that it’s been on loan to Gareth since the beginning of this academic year. Note to self: nag. I also really wanted to listen to Loveless but I forgot to bring it back with me when I returned here after summer at home in Singapore. Note to self: MUPPET.
I really want to write something about this post at Entropy, but I don’t have the time right now. So often, when I’m reading this blog, it feels as if its author Jared has reached into my head, found the most fundamental things by which I define and understand myself, and written them down far more compellingly than I am able to. The scary thing is that he’s writing it about himself, and doesn’t know I exist.
The inevitable cliches about how the Internet brings the people of the world together and how you suddenly discover some wondrous synergy between yourself and someone you have never met thousands of miles away come to mind. But I’ve been on the Net since 1994, have spent more hours surfing the Web than I dare to compute, and have never seen any site with content that speaks to me quite like his. Something even scarier is that much of his “about me” page would sum me up perfectly.
It’s somewhat weird. A little depressing, in a way. Hmmm.