End Of Term! Beginning Of Studyness!

And term is over! Or at least, it’ll be over in ten minutes, as soon as my property law essay gets printed out and I shove it gleefully into my tutor’s pigeon-hole. Disturbing but viciously gratifying mental pictures abound.

I spent all of today enslaved to the essay, due to a highly enjoyable meeting last night with friends I don’t often get to see. Walter had come over from the States on his spring break, Vikram was down from Cambridge, and Jeff was in from, er, Tooting. For reasons I’ve described before, their company last night was worth today’s misery.

Later tonight is an outing to Fabric Live to celebrate Nick’s birthday, anticipation of which was one of the main reasons I didn’t slit my wrists a few hours ago in mortgage-related boredom.

But on Monday, yes, MONDAY, studying for the exams starts. I mean it.