11 Albums From Impulse

The finances aren’t looking good. First there were the Christmas ravages. Then there was wining and dining in Glasgow (stop laughing). And then I came back to London, and the Impulse store at Euston Station just had to be having a huge sale.

The results of my weakness:
Pulp: This Is Hardcore 2 disc set with This Is Glastonbury live CD £6.99
My Bloody Valentine: Isn’t Anything £5.99
Money Mark: Push The Button £6.99
The Herbaliser: Very Mercenary £6.99
Pet Shop Boys: Nightlife £6.99
Tortoise: TNT £5.99
William Orbit: Pieces In A Modern Style £5.99
Joyzipper: Joyzipper £5.99
Ella Fitzgerald Sings & Swings £2.99
Best Of Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong £5.99
The Gallery 3 disc set featuring Tall Paul, Sister Bliss and Mark Jones £4.99

Total: WAY too much…and I’m still intending to go back for Olivia Tremor Control’s Dusk At Cubist Castle and a Wagon Christ album. Heeeelp.